There have been many moments in 2012 when we have felt worried for our children: we have a feeling that this was the year we read most terrible news about children, and when we had to
explain to our kids tragedies that should never have happened. But there is a lot of hope, and it comes from children themselves: many of them have achieved incredible successes this year, making the world a better place for grown-ups too. We had many to chose from and they were all equally amazing, but here are our five children of the year: we want to close this 2012 with them, and send our best wishes to all the kids and all their parents for a wonderful, fantabulous 2013!
1 - Azza Abdel Hamid Faiad, 16, Egypt. Scientist.
Egyptian teenage scientist Azza has found a way to turn plastic waste into fuel. Using an inexpensive catalyst, she is hoping to create $78 million worth of bionfuel each year. The economic impact of his discovery could be great of Egypt, considering that the country currently consumes one million ton of plastic every year.