sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014


 ABL is based on philosophy “which in essence states that individuals are usually more capable (mentally, emotionally and physically) than they perceive themselves to be, and if given the opportunity to TRY in a supportive atmosphere, can discover this excellence within themselves.”1 ABL utilizes group initiatives, low and high challenge course elements and many other activities to facilitate team building, problem solving, trust and communication. The experience allows the individual and team to approach physical, social, mental and emotional challenges in a safe and secure setting. The program contains outdoor activity experiences and uses these activities as a tool to develop different aspects of the individual and the group. Adventure-based learning provides physical and intellectual problems for groups to solve. The "group challenges" help people explore issues of leadership, cooperation, and conflict. The hands-on activities provide a laboratory for people to experiment with different ways to lead or support a team. As with other experiential training, at the end of each exercise participants explore options for greater effectiveness through reflection, reviewing, de-briefing and goal setting. Because a group is making decisions in the moment, ABL helps groups see their own dynamics more clearly. It is a powerful method for team-building and self-discovery. 
C.R.E.C.E ABL PRINCIPLES Challenge by Choice is a concept originated by Project Adventure. It asks that participants challenge themselves and participate fully in the experience. Recognizing that any activity or goal may pose a different level and type of challenge for each group member and that authentic personal change comes from within, Challenge by Choice creates an environment where participants are asked to search for opportunities to stretch and grow during the experience. The determination of what kind of participation represents an optimal learning opportunity is the responsibility of each group member. All are asked to add value to the group experience by finding a way to contribute to the group's efforts while also seeking to find value in the experience for themselves. Accepting Challenge by Choice encourages all to respect thoughtful choices. Its use provides a supportive and caring atmosphere in which participants can stretch themselves. It recognizes the need for individuals and the group to accept responsibility for decisions. It creates opportunities for learning about how to set goals that are in neither the comfort nor the panic zone, but in that slightly uncomfortable stretch zone where the greatest opportunities for growth and learning lie. Challenge by Choice is a cornerstone concept of Project Adventure. Full Value Contract (FVC) Also developed by Project Adventure, the principles of the Full Value Contract are integral to the C.r.e.c.e adventure programs. A FVC fits the unique spirit and purpose of the group. It is a shared creation, developed in words that are understandable to all group members, that creates an emotionally and physically safe environment supported by all group members. All versions of the FVC ask the group: 1) to understand and/or create safe and respectful behavioral norms under which it will operate 2) for a commitment to those norms by everyone in the group 3) to accept a shared responsibility for the maintenance of those norms. The exact wording of the FVC will be different every time. It generally starts with the concept of asking group members not to ‘devalue' themselves or others and uses the positive language of giving and receiving full value from a group experience. It is a versatile learning tool that encourages the group to think about positive behaviors that will help them to achieve their goals. The Experiential Learning Cycle As the group experiences activities it will also be asked to reflect on what happened during the activity (WHAT), then to ask itself generalized questions about the effect of what happened (SO WHAT), then to draw out any learning from that and set some goals for the future (NOW WHAT). If the goals are meaningful and achievable there should be a transfer of learning to the next activity and eventually other areas of life. The Experiential Learning Cycle depends on skilled facilitation from the activity leader to help the group move through its stages and achieve change and growth. Key elementsof the learning experience :
  • Trust building Goal setting 
  • Challenge/stress Peak experiences 
  • Humor/fun Problem solving

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